Lee Ssaem’s Academy

Lee Ssaem's Academy

Why learn with Lee Ssaem’s Academy?

1. Learn through video with unlimited lifetime access

Study flexibly whenever and wherever you are. Have the full access to the course that you have purchased and progress it without any limitations.

2. Learn step by step with
Lee Ssaem’s Instructions

With the instruction by Lee Ssaem, there is no more struggle in autodidact. It is great to have a native teacher who guide you from the beginning of the study so that you won’t have to build bad habits nor unsureness towards the further study.

3. Real practices with listening, reading, writing

Even tough the course is only via video, the course will involve interactive activities that you can follow easily. All the materials can be found in our store.

4. Take TOPIK Test to further endure possibilities

If you are students who are looking for achievement in TOPIK test, welcome! You are in the right path. The course will focus to build your confidence and strong ability in achieving high grades in TOPIK.

5. Learn with Lee Ssaem
and build up career

The course is not merely studying how to be fluent in Korean. Lee Ssaem encourages all the students to have more potentials and opens up their possibilities in the future in language field. The benefits of learning language is extraordinary

6. Get connections and opportunities by Training/Internship/ Community

Join the members to stay connected with other members and special live events where you may consult directly with Lee Ssaem and practice your Korean. Also, by taking the professional course you can get the opportunity to train as a professional tutor/interpreter and have a real experience by assisting or taking an internship in Lee Ssaem’s Academy.


Best Selling Courses

Below are our three main plans for our courses. Start your autodidact here with the Native!

Basic Korean

Rp 499.000

Rp 149,000/Lifetime

Goals : Able to understand in depth about Hangeul’s history, What is Hangeul, how to pronounce Hangeul as native, Name of each Hangeul, Rule of Batchims

Beginner Korean #1

Rp 666.900

Coming Soon

Goals : Able to learn about basic conversation, basic vocabulary, marker grammar, polite and friendly form of speech.

Beginner Korean #2

Rp 777.900

Coming Soon

Goals : Able to learn deeper understanding about basic conversation, basic conjugation, full understanding of markers and particles.


Still not sure for the purchase?

Contact us with Whatsapp to have some consultation about the course!

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